Elective courses help hone the skills of GSCM students and prepare them internships and careers.

Undergraduate elective courses

Take two-of electives…

Undergraduate students are required to take two of the following electives their second semester in the program (winter semester).

  • GSCM 411 : Global Business Negotiations.  Learn how to conduct effective cross-cultural negotiations in challenging global contexts.
  • GSCM 412 : Operations Analytics.  Learn how to use quantitative tools and Excel to solve interesting supply chain and operations problems.
  • GSCM 419 : Customer Relationship Management (formerly Services Management).  Learn how to design and manage the customer-service aspects of supply chains including service strategy, service process design, and service quality.

Other potentially useful courses…

Students who have time in their schedules might also consider the following electives (that do not count towards their “two of” electives):

  • IS 515* : Spreadsheets for Business Analysis.  Using spreadsheets to support business analysis and decision making. Includes sensitivity analysis, pivot tables, introductions to databases, and macros, charting, and similar topics.
  • IS 520* : Spreadsheets for Business Analysis.  Programming in Excel Visual Basic; automating common tasks; retrieving data from web servers; building optimization models and user forms.
  • IS 590R-? : Managing ERP systems and processes.  This is an IS topics course focusing on ERP systems.  Be sure and select the section of 590R that says “ERP systems” in the course description.

If you have any questions about electives, contact the Program Director or the Undergraduate Office.

*Note that IS 515 and IS 520 have IS 201 as an non-tracked and non-enforced prerequisite.  It is best if students have had IS 201 before takin IS 515 or IS 520, however it is okay if they take it concurrently.