Because the internship spotlights contain information about working at specific companies, these posts are only viewable to logged-in students. If you are a current GSCM student and would like to post an internship spotlight, please click here.

Instructions for posting an Internship Spotlight.

  1. You must be logged in to post an Internship Spotlight.
  2. Follow the format of prior internship spotlights.
    • A header should list Who: (student name), From: (hometown), Graduating: (month of graduation), Internships: (the company name).
    • Subsequent sections should include:  “About (name of company)”, “My Role” (what you did on your internship), and “What I Learned” (comments about your experience).
  3. Do not post any proprietary information about the company, and do not post comments that might be viewed as critical of the company.  This is not a company rating forum.
  4. Include an appropriately cropped picture as the “Featured Image” (entered to the right of the edit box).  Do not otherwise insert a picture in your post – featured images will automatically show up with your post.
  5. The Category for these posts should ONLY be “internship-spotlights” which will have them show up on the homepage but require login to view.  Do not check any other categories.
  6. Please do your very best to use good grammar and spelling.
  7. All submissions are reviewed by a moderator/editor before they show up on the website.
  8. If you have questions, contact the club Communications VP.

Student reflections on internships...