BYU GSCM Case Competition at Arizona State University

This past week the BYU GSC team had the opportunity to represent the rest of us, and as usual, they did great work that would make even Cosmo proud.

Anne Quackenbush recaps: 
“We had a great time at the competition! To be completely up front, we did not place in the top four. No matter what place we were in, we still learned a lot about our team, Oracle, and how to improve. One of the hardest challenges was the ambiguous,1.5 page case with no data (aside from also trying to finish Dr. Webb’s midterm on the plane, or doing an additional midterm in any and all downtime we had — Go Will). We were pushed by the competition and pushed each other to be better presenters, analysts, slide designers, and representatives of BYU. One of our favorite parts was networking with other teams and showing them that the BYU kids are peculiar, yes, but also friendly and a team to be reckoned with.”