On September 15, 2016, Michael Hoer spoke to the GSCM Core students. Mr. Hoer has a tremendous international background, spending most of his executive career in Asia. He recounted interesting examples of supply chain management challenges he faced in China, North Korea, and Africa. For each story he recounted, he provided us with insights into effective management practice. One example was helping rural Africans improve their water supply. The “obvious” answer was to provide pipeline transportation of water, but the local villagers did not like the effect that had on socialization and rationing (each woman was only able to take as much water each day as she could balance on her head). The solution was instead to capture rainwater from the school roof, which provided a safe water supply for the school children. Also in Africa they tried to sell study cement bricks, but the locals instead used inferior volcanic rocks. They had not consider the impact of cost (though small by our terms) and weight on the selection decision. On other story involved getting frozen chicken feet from the U.S. into central China at a time when refrigerated rail cars were not available in China. After much analysis a Chinese worker suggested they wrap the frozen feet in blankets, which surprisingly worked.
Overall, this was a very engaging presentation providing many great global supply chain examples.