MBA Global Supply Chain Rafting Trip

Before the school year started at the Marriott School MBA students were exposed to adventure and learning in South Idaho during the Annual Rafting Trip.  This event is an initiative of the MBA Supply Chain and Operations Association (SCOA) with the support of the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain to bring together students, professors, and recruiters from various companies. It is the chance to help them get to know each other and interact in an informal setting.
The main highlights from the trip were:
  • Van Case Competition: Students received a business case to prepare on their way to the camp location and presented it to a group of selected professors and recruiters. It was an opportunity for them to get used to the case method and start practicing valuable presentation skills.
  • Recruiters Seminar: Each recruiter had the chance to do an introduction on her/his background, current job and company perspectives. They also had the chance to talk to smaller groups of students to network, answer questions about the companies and give insights on career in general.
  • Professors Seminar: Students had the chance to hear from our Supply Chain Professors on the history of the program and also objectives in moving forward.
  • Rafting: Participants had two days of rafting activities on rapids classified in level I through IV, it was a fun workout!
The SCOA Leadership is excited about the outcomes from this trip which exemplified student engagement, provided networking and career opportunities, and welcomed a school year full of fun!
We look forward to the following events this year!