On Friday, October 7th 2016, the Marriott School Global Supply Chain Management program is having their fifth annual Global Supply Chain Day luncheon. This is an opportunity for students to meet some supply chain professionals and hear about great career opportunities in supply chain management. The luncheon includes a “Career opportunities in Global Supply Chain Management” panel discussion featuring…
- Ali Hunter – Employer: LDS Church, IT and Procurement and alumnus of the GSCM program.
- Sean Burns – Employer: Traeger Grills, Supplier Planner and alumnus of the GSCM program.
- Mike Stokes – Employer: Honeywell and BYU GSCM recruiter.
- Greg Koford – Employer: IHC and BYU GSCM Recruiter.
Pre-management students and others who are interested in the Global Supply Chain Management program are invited to attend the luncheon. It will run from 11:30am to 12:50pm here on campus. Students must RSVP by noon on Wednesday October 4th in order to receive the location (we are trying to avoid people showing up without RSVPing).
>>> Click here to RSVP for the luncheon. <<<
This is first-come-first serve. For those who register before it fills up, we will email you by Oct 5th if you RSVP. (We will email all who RSVP by that day.)